Mental toughness og Chat GPT
Ég hef stundum verið í heimspekilegum pælingum um af hverju ég sé á kafi í þessari hjólamennsku og æfingum? Af hverju ég sé að keppast við að koma mér í eins gott form og ég mögulega get? Hvað rekur mig áfram?
Þegar ég hljóp sem mest var ég líka í svipuðum pælingum en átti erfitt með að finna svör. Ég var bara lost í einhverju ferðalagi með óljósa hugmynd um endastöð. Það sem ég komst næst því að finna út úr þessu var að lesa bókina Personal best eftir lækninn George Sheenan- sem var einmitt í svipuðum pælingum. Nóg um það, ég held bara áfram að pæla.
Exercise is done against one‘s wishes and maintained only because the altnerative is worse. - George Sheenan
Árið 2017 upplifði ég það á eigin skinni að fara „burnout“ og fjallaði mikið um það hér á blogginu. Orsökin að mínu mati var sambland ýmissa þátta, en það sem ég held að hafi vegið þyngst, voru hlutir sem snéru að persónulega lífinu frekar en vinnunni þó ég hafi verið drullu áttavilltur þar líka.
- Resilience: Endurance athletes often face physical and mental challenges that require them to push through discomfort and adversity. This experience can help you bounce back from setbacks, rejections, or high-pressure situations in your job with a positive attitude.
- Stress Management: Your ability to tolerate pain and stress as an athlete can help you better manage the stress that comes with administrative roles. You may be more adept at staying calm under pressure and finding ways to cope with demanding situations.
- Goal Setting and Discipline: Athletes are typically skilled at setting and working towards goals, which can translate well into the world of administration. You can use your goal-oriented mindset to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and maintain a sense of purpose in your work.
- Focus and Concentration: Endurance athletes often need to maintain a high level of focus and concentration during long training sessions or races. These skills can be valuable when you need to concentrate on complex tasks, problem-solving, or decision-making in your administrative role.
- Mental Endurance: Your ability to push through physical discomfort can translate into mental endurance, allowing you to stay persistent in your job, even when faced with challenging or tedious tasks.
- Positive Mindset: Many athletes use positive self-talk and visualization techniques to stay motivated and confident. These techniques can help you maintain a positive mindset in the face of difficult situations at work.
- Teamwork: If you participate in team sports or events, you likely understand the value of teamwork and collaboration. These skills can be beneficial in administrative roles that require you to work with others to achieve common goals.
- Adaptability: Endurance athletes often encounter changing conditions and unexpected obstacles during their training and events. This adaptability can help you handle unexpected changes and challenges in your job.
Bottinn endar svo á því að segja:
It's important to note that while these skills can be advantageous in your administrative role, it's also essential to strike a balance between pushing through challenges and recognizing when to seek support or take breaks to avoid burnout. Additionally, being aware of the specific stressors in your job and developing strategies to cope with them can further enhance your effectiveness in administration.
Ég hendi þessu nú bara hérna inn til gamans en er samt sannfærður um að þessi þjálfun sem ég er að fara í gegnum hafi hjálpað mér við að glíma við hversdaginn og vinnuna og geri mig sterkari.