
Ég var að leika mér aðeins með OpenAi gervigreindina sem fólk er búið að vera að tala svo mikið um. Ég verð að viðurkenna að þetta er eiginlega alveg með ólíkindum. 

Ég byrjaði á því að spyrja hana aðeins út í hjólreiðar, hvað annað? Ég hef verið að fylgja því sem kallað er polarized training method og hef stundum talað um það hér á blogginu. Ég hef hinsvegar aldrei gefið mér tíma til að útskýra það neitt. Vélmennið kom með þetta yfirlit:

Polarized training is a popular training method in endurance sports, including cycling, that involves dividing your training time into two distinct intensity zones: high-intensity (Zone 4-5) and low-intensity (Zone 1-2). The idea is that by focusing the majority of your training time in these two extreme zones, you can improve your performance and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

The amount of time you should spend in each zone will depend on your individual goals and current fitness level, and should be determined in consultation with a coach or trainer. However, a typical polarized training program might involve spending 80-90% of your total training time in Zone 1-2, and the remaining 10-20% in high-intensity efforts. This allows you to build endurance, improve your aerobic capacity, and recover effectively, while still getting the benefits of high-intensity training.

It's important to note that polarized training is not the only training method and may not be appropriate for all cyclists. Your training program should be tailored to your individual goals and needs and may include a variety of intensities and training methods. It's also important to listen to your body and make adjustments to your training program as needed to avoid burnout or injury.

Næst spurði ég: "What are the strongest predictor of cycling performance?"

Chat gpt svaraði:

The strongest predictor of cycling performance is highly dependent on various factors such as the individual's training history, fitness level, and goals. However, some of the most commonly recognized predictors of cycling performance include:

  1. Functional Threshold Power (FTP): FTP is the highest power output that an individual can sustain for an hour and is considered a good predictor of endurance cycling performance.
  2. Maximal Aerobic Power (MAP): MAP is a measure of the highest power output an individual can produce during a short, all-out effort and is often used to predict short-duration cycling performance.
  3. VO2 Max: VO2 Max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can use during exercise and is considered a good predictor of cycling performance.
  4. Lactate Threshold: Lactate threshold is the point at which lactate levels start to rise rapidly in response to exercise and is a good predictor of endurance cycling performance.
  5. Muscle Fiber Type: The proportion of slow-twitch (Type I) and fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibers can influence an individual's cycling performance and determine their strengths and weaknesses as a cyclist.

It's important to note that these predictors of cycling performance are not mutually exclusive and that multiple factors may contribute to an individual's performance. Additionally, these factors can vary between individuals and can change over time based on an individual's training history and lifestyle factors. To maximize your performance, it's important to regularly monitor and assess your progress and make adjustments to your training program as needed.

Eftir þetta spurði ég út í fóðurfræði bleikju og mismunandi fitugjafa í fóðri. Ég tók mastersverkefnið mitt í þessu og var bara nokkuð sáttur við svörin sem ég fékk. En þetta er s.s. ekki að öllu leiti ólíkt því að gúggla nema þarna færðu bara upp eitt svar sem væntanlega er byggt á öllu hinu draslinu sem er á netinu. Nokkurskonar úrdráttur. Þannig næst bað ég um ráðleggingar með æfingaplön. Ég setti inn upplýsingar um mig (hæð, þyngd ofl) og spurði hvernig ég ætti að æfa ef ég hefði 10 klst á viku. Svarið var:

To set up an effective training plan with 10 hours of training time per week, you can use the following general guidelines:

Zone 1: Spend at least 30-40% of your training time in Zone 1, which is the lowest intensity training zone. This will help you develop your endurance and allow you to recover from harder training sessions.

Zone 2: Spend 30-40% of your training time in Zone 2, which is the moderate intensity training zone. This will help you improve your lactate threshold and increase your endurance.

Zone 3: Spend 20-30% of your training time in Zone 3, which is the high intensity training zone. This will help you improve your FTP and increase your power output.

Zone 4 & 5: Spend 10-20% of your training time in Zone 4 & 5, which is the highest intensity training zone. This will help you develop your speed and power.

Active Recovery: Don't forget to include active recovery days in your training plan to allow your body to rest and recover. During active recovery sessions, you can do a light workout in Zone 1 or 2.

It's important to remember that everyone's body is different and that the exact split between training zones will depend on your individual fitness level, goals, and training history. You may also want to consider working with a coach to develop a more personalized training plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

In conclusion, a typical training plan for someone with 10 hours of training time per week and a VO2 Max of 60 and FTP of 240 could include 30-40% of training time in Zone 1, 30-40% in Zone 2, 20-30% in Zone 3, and 10-20% in Zones 4 & 5, with active recovery

Ég er mjög sáttur við þetta svar!

Að lokum bað ég hana að semja fyrir mig japanska hæku fyrir vinkonu mína og að það væri skilyrði að hafa orðið sveppur í hækunni. Ég fékk þessa hæku:

Amidst the forest's shade

A single mushroom stands tall

Autumn's gift to earth

Það er þetta síðasta sem er eiginlega lang mest mind blowing!!! Að þetta kvikindi sé skapandi...

Jæja ég þarf víst að henda mér í vinnu.... 


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