Viðtal við Carl Jung frá 1957

Hér er viðtal við Carl Jung sem ég var að horfa aftur á í gær. Það var tekið 1957, þremur árum fyrir dauða hans. Ég punktaði niður smá bút úr því. Ég var búinn að vitna í bókina hans um daginn þar sem hann var að fjalla um eiginlega alveg það sama en góð vísa er aldrei of oft kveðin.

Ég er alveg heillaður af hugmyndum hans um mannshugann og undirmeðvitundina. Langar eiginlega til að gera atlögu að því að þýða bókina hans.

John Freeman-
Now, looking at the world today, do you feel that the third World War is likely?

Carl Jung-
I have no definite indications in that respect.  But there are so many indications, that one doesn’t know, what one’s sees. Is it the trees, or is it the woods? It is very difficult to say. Because the dreams, people dreams contain apprehensions, you know, but it is very difficult to say wether they point to a war, because that idea is upmost in peoples mind. Formally you know, it would be much simpler if people didn’t think of a war, and there for it was rather clear what the dreams meant, nowadays no more so. We are so full of apprehensions. Fears. That one does not know exactly to what it points. One thing is sure, a great change of our psychological attitude is imminent. That is certain.

John Freeman-
And why?

Carl Jung- 
Because we need more psychology, we need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man. Far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil.


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