Þetta er sagt um Davinci lykilinn sem er ein af 10 ofmetnustu bókum sögunnar samkvæmt einhverjum lista:
This is a book loved by the masses, and isn’t thought of well at all by literature majors or professors. A lot of basic facts are wrong, the writing is poor and amateurish, the narrator mixes with the main character’s point of view, and there’s a lot of thinly veiled social opinions pushed forward as facts. Why is this novel not the most overrated of all time? Because a lot of readers already recognize this for what it is: a story with enough controversial elements and a good marketing gig to hit the best seller list, but a work that was not very well written at all, and a story with a ton of holes in it.
Ég komst ekki einu sinni svo langt inn í þessa bók að ég hefði getað skrifað svona fína gagnrýni. Þvílíkt rusl sem þessi bók er.
Kveðja, Bjarni
This is a book loved by the masses, and isn’t thought of well at all by literature majors or professors. A lot of basic facts are wrong, the writing is poor and amateurish, the narrator mixes with the main character’s point of view, and there’s a lot of thinly veiled social opinions pushed forward as facts. Why is this novel not the most overrated of all time? Because a lot of readers already recognize this for what it is: a story with enough controversial elements and a good marketing gig to hit the best seller list, but a work that was not very well written at all, and a story with a ton of holes in it.
Ég komst ekki einu sinni svo langt inn í þessa bók að ég hefði getað skrifað svona fína gagnrýni. Þvílíkt rusl sem þessi bók er.
Kveðja, Bjarni