Sannleikurinn um Keith

Oft hefur maður heyrt tröllasögur um það þegar Keith blandaði ösku pabba síns við kókaín og saug hana í ranann. Var að lesa viðtal við Keith í Mojo blaði sem pabbi á og þar er hann spurður um þetta.

Did you really snort your dad?

Oh yeah. But the cocaine bit was rubbish. I said I chopped him up like cocaine not with. I´d openened his box up and said, " Jesus I´ve got to do something with dad, y´know, plant the oak tree." I pulled the lid off and out comes a bit of dad on the dining room table. I´m going, "I can´t use the brush and dustpan for this." So you just gotta like (taps table) put it together. What I found out is that ingesting your ancestors is a very respectable way of.... y´know.... he went down a treat.

Þá höfum við það. Viðtalið er tekið í svítu í París á George V Hotel sem eru höfuðstöðvar umboðsmanns þeirra Stones manna. Þarna hafa verið haldin mörg villt partí seinustu 40 árin. Það er ekki veislan í boði Briddget Bardot og Francoies Hardy í mars 1966 sem hann man mest eftir frá þessum stað heldur man hann mest eftir gólfteppinu enda oft búinn að liggja á því og reyna að finna "downers" í góðra vina hópi. Þegar hann er búinn að berja tappa af orangina- flösku á antikborði og sulla saman við vodka í glasi byrjar svo viðtalið. Mér fannst eftirfarandi punktar áhugaverðir.

What about drugs now? You claim you´ve stopped.

Drugs I´m on now - the shit I´ve gotta take because of the brain job, Dilantin. Means you can´t take cocaine any more. Which is fine with me. I mean, I haven´t seen coke for, like, a year and a half. Big deal. Y´know, I used to like my little bump here and there after meals. But now I can´t do that any more, so I don´t do it no more. I still smoke like a fucking chimney. Get me some good weed.

Have you slowed the pace in ohter ways since the accident?

No. (Nonchalanlty) They keep telling me to stop drinking, but I can´t be bothered. It´s like, "You don´t know me, I know me. "The people who´ve told me to stop doing this and that and they´ve croaked. Not that I want to brag about it, but I mean, I´ve had about three doctors who told me, "If you carry on like this, you will be dead in six months." I went to their funerals.

Í þessu viðtali sér maður hvað karlinn er mikill húmoristi en hann virðist líka vera þokkalega góður náungi. Það sést þegar verið er að spyrja hann hvernig hann hafi sloppið við þungan fangelsisdóm eftir að hafa verið tekinn með skitin 22 gröm af heróíni í Kanada.

A blind girl fan you´d looked after on the road went round to the judge´s house and appealed on your behalf..

Which is basically why I got sentenced to a concert for the blind. I mean, it was the most unique sentence in the world! Still see her, bless her heart. I have little angels here and there, y´know. I just took care of her. She´s blind but she´s determined to go to every Stones show she can get to, right? The vision is of her, totally blind, going down highways, like that (sticks out hitchhiking thumb). That to me was just too pathetic and horrific. All I did was talk to a truck driver that works for us and say, "Don´t fuck around with her, just get her from A to B." That was all I did. She knocked on the judge´s door and said, " Let me tell you about Keith Richards. " Ba-da-bing-ba-da-bang-ba-da-boom! Lots of people have said that and not got the same response.

Kanadíska ríkið þorði ekki að dæma karlinn og hann slapp með samfélagsþjónustu.


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